Giving to Others

  • Mark Krauth with his truck loaded with the boxes for delivery to Cupertino, and the contents of each school kit

    SCHOOL KITS 2024

    Priscilla Mah led the campaign at Hope to donate 151 School Kits to Lutheran World Relief. When all the kits were packed in boxes and readied for shipping, Mark Krauth loaded up his truck and delivered them to the gathering place in Cupertino. The congregation's generous support of the School Kits Project enables Lutheran World Relief to provide many children around the world with the supplies they otherwise would not have for their education.

  • SOCK-TOBER 2024

    Jacqui Ewing, "Cheeky" the spokes-monkey, and Hope raised $1,025 plus socks during the campaign. This enabled Hope to give 1,228 pairs of socks to the Trinity Center to be distributed to the unhoused in Walnut Creek. 


    Where the Endowment Stands Now

    The current balance in the Endowment Fund is $87,280.  Annually, a portion of the interest earned in the prior year is donated to charities approved by the Endowment Committee. In 2024, $3,300 was distributed. The total amount given to charities since 2019 is $14,100.


    In 2024, the Endowment donated:

    .  $1,100 to the Rossmoor Scholarship Fund

    .  $1,100 to the Rossmoor Foundation

    .  $1,100 to the ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod


    Thanks to the tremendous generosity of Hope Lutheran members, we donated $50,000 to PLTS for the creation of a scholarship fund.