God’s Purpose, mission and core values

For hope church

  • God’s purpose for Hope Church

    Just like a path leads you forward, your purpose guides you through different phases of life, encouraging continuous growth and development. 

    • KNOW: To know Jesus Christ and discover his purpose for our lives.
    • GROW: To grow in our love for Jesus Christ, for one another and for our neighbors.
    • FOLLOW: To follow Jesus Christ into the world as ambassadors of faith, hope, and love.
  • God’s Mission for Hope Church

    To empower and inspire our congregation to make life-affirming decisions, anchored in faith, by...

    • Providing a place of worship in Rossmoor
    • Caring for one another
    • Witnessing to God’s Kingdom on Earth
  • CORE VALUES of hope church

    Our fundamental, heart felt beliefs that guide our church's actions and behaviors. They define who we are and how we operate:

    • We trust in salvation through Jesus Christ.
    • Since God has blessed us, and continues to bless us, we respond by being a blessing to others.
    • We continue to study God’s Word and to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.