Hope Lutheran Church was formally organized on May 20, 1968. Following the decision by the Contra Costa Council of Churches that a Lutheran Church should be one of the five churches to be invited to hold services in the newly developing Leisure World (now known as Rossmoor), Pastor Ed Hamme was called to develop a congregation. The first worship service was held on October 10, 1965.
In 1979, Pastor George Norman was called to serve on a half-time basis. Pastor George and his wife, Dorothy, were both very active for the church. At the close of 1983 Pastor Norman retired, and Hope had 92 members.
In 1984, Pastor David Romeis was called to Hope, and will always be remembered around town for his trademark hat, white Buick convertible, and his well crafted sermons. He served until 1998.
Hope was then served for a number of years by a succession of intern pastors.
In September of 2009, Pastor Jack Niemi was called to serve Hope. During Pastor Jack's time at Hope, the congregation grew significantly. In 2013 Pastor Karen Woida joined Pastor Jack in serving the people of Hope.
In 2019, Pastor Jack retired. Pastor Lil Belusa became our Bridge Pastor for six months. In September of 2019, Pastor Andy Smith was called to serve Hope. He and Pastor Karen shepherded us through the pandemic. Both retired in May 2022. Then Pastor Andreas Pielhoop became our new Bridge Pastor. On October 1st, 2023 after a vote at a congregational meeting, Pastor Andreas became our new Senior Pastor at Hope Lutheran Church.
Worship, fellowship, service and concern for others bind the Hope congregation together. We have two choirs and professional musicians who enhance our worship. A live stream of our service is available at