The Lord is risen.

He is risen indeed.

Come join us regularly at 10:30am PT on Sundays. You can go to our YouTube live-stream channel by clicking the following web link

The Sunday bulletin for the latest livestream is available under the Worship heading of this web site. To read it while viewing a worship service, you must open another window for

We lift up in prayer all those who have been affected by the wildfires in Southern California. Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) is providing immediate assistance to displaced families and individuals and will aid in the rebuilding for months and years to come.


Hope has an opportunity to assist LDR in this effort with a love offering in February.  Envelopes will be available at the welcome table.  Please make checks out to Hope Lutheran Church with the

notation “LA Fires” in the memo line.

ELCA BIBLE Verses of the Day